kinder company
jldc has 4 recreational hip hop teams.
small fry ages 3-5
sweet feet ages 6-9
omega crew ages 10+
alpha crew ages 12+
our hip hop teams perform at our winter showcase and at our year end recital. Hiphop runs in two sessoins: session one from september to december and session two from january to june.
jldc hip hop company
our kinder company is for our youngest dancers ages 3-5. Kinder company runs in 2 sessions. sessions run saturday mornings
session 1 runs september to december
session 2 runs january to june
both sessions get a chance to perform, either in our winter showcase or at our year end recital. dancers can choose to do one or both sessions
sessions sell out quickly so please reserve your spot early to advoid disappointment. first come first serve basis.
kinder company payments are month to month.
$50 monthly
your first month is required to hold your spot
recreational dance
our recreational classes include acro, kinder and hip hop. our recreational program is a non competitive “just for fun” class. our one a week recreational dance classes focus on instilling a love of dance and a joy for movement.
NEW THIS SEASON IS the addition of jazz and lyrical into our recreational programs.
open to all levels of dancers.
the classes also work towards the goal of a final performance. september to december classes participate in our winter showcase at our studio and our january to june dancers participate in our year end recital performance at the sid williams theatre. dancers can choose to enrol for the entire season (september to june) or in one of our 2 sessions sept-dec and jan-june.
payments can be monthly or by session
competitive company
mini, junior, intermediate and senior levels
these classes are designed for the more serious dance student. students must love to perform and work hard. they must have self motivation and a desire to excel. as the expectations are higher than those of recreational teams dancers will learn to succeed as a team while developing poise, discipline, respect, confidence, professionalism, strength, and more.
company members are urged to take all of their classes together to create a team spirit which is integral to their ability to perform and excel as dancers.
students will perform in winter showcase, year end show, have photoshoot and videography opportunities and have access to all our guest instructors. competitive teams will do approximately 3-5 competitions a season. we aim for 2 local and 2 away with one being optional for solos and small groups.
dancers who are currently dancing for jldc are invited onto the competitive team by our artistic director. Dancers from other studios, coming from out of town and are new to the valley can set up an informal AUDITION and meet and greet. some dancers may not need an AUDITION if their work is known to the a.d. Alternatively, video submissions are also accepted.